Monday 16 January 2012

It\'s been a While!!!

So... I started this blog last round, but as predicted, didn\\\'t do so well in maintaining it!! Here is a new beginning, I am sitting at the start line of the next round of Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation. Last round, I must say I did pretty well. My goal was to lose 6Kgs and I did 9! That equals successful in my book. This time, I have a new challenge..... to get Lean and Strong!! I can see already that this is going to be a complete change for me as for the last year it has all been about weight loss and calorie burn, burn, burn!! Now things are different.... It\'s about maintaining and tidying up the wibbly wobbly bits!! BRING IT ON!!

The Brunei Gals are on Fire already, we have gone from a team of 4 last round to 18 this round PLUS 4 hubby\'s who have joined. Think they were getting a bit worried about how fit and fab their wives are getting!! So we have FFF - Freaky Friday Fun Sessions, Super Sat Sessions

Sunday 4 September 2011

Our NYC Challenge!

I've been getting a bit worried about how I was going to go with the 12WBT whilst we are away in New York, so been thinking about doing a 5km run just to keep a bit of momentum. Well.... I came across something better and something that will be more of a challenge for me than a 5K run!!

A 42 floor stair climb. I'm petrified, actually not sure how I convinced hubby to agree - maybe a glass or more of red than he should've! Still, very excited but petrified!!! I HATE stairs... so thought this would be a great challenge for me and so close to the end of our trip, something to work towards!

Excited = Scared + Motivated!!!

Donations are EXTREMELY welcome - please go to:

Better start climbing I guess!

Thursday 1 September 2011

My first blog!!

Well today is the first day I can honestly say I want to write!!! I went out for a run this morning, feeling good and decided to make an effort to do my fastest 5km. Well it was CRAP! I'm really annoyed more than anything. I stopped an walked because I felt a bit tired, it was hot, my shorts were riding up.... excuses excuses!! I did however, start thinking about the positives of the run/walk as well. So I thought rather than ramble, I would list the things I liked and didn't like about todays run, plus solutions to the excuses I came up with so I can't use them again.


  1. My aim for a day is to burn a minimum of 400 calories - Check!! 421 cal in 37m40s
  2. Not a bad time for 5km considering I walked a lot - 5.3km in 37m40s 
  3. My average speed was still 8.5km/h
  4. I did what my Polar HRM has been telling me to do - train less in zone 3!


  1. Didn't achieve my PB time for 5km
  2. Gave up on myself, just because things weren't perfect

So overall there really are a lot more positives than negatives... Glad I put things down in writing!

Now for some solutions - I didn't achieve my PB time for 5km because I was unprepared. I went out wearing different clothes which sad to say make a difference. My trusty workout gear is dirty so decided to wear some shorts that really aren't  made for running, hence the riding up all the time. Not particularly comfortable when trying to run your fastest!
My body is also a little tired from a pretty hard workout week... Need to allow a little rest before I try a PB!
I Have however decided to see if I can find a running partner or even coach to help me with my running and as have been a bit worried about my upcoming holiday to New York and the effect it may have on my fitness and 12WBT program, have decided to sign up for 5Km run in Brooklyn. Why Not??!